Credit University

Launching CreditOrder Pro

CRS Credit Experts

September 04, 2024

CreditOrder Pro: A simple interface to access Regulated Data

Our mission is to provide access to regulated data in an independent, simple, comprehensive, and fully compliant way. Since our founding, we have worked to understand what is limiting access and have discovered that most customers have limited ways to access data. Those options are generally slow moving, costly and usable but complex.

This was our inspiration behind CreditOrder Pro, a growing feature suite designed to expand access for customers requesting, viewing and managing regulated data.

The Problem: Outdated and Inefficient Systems

The current landscape for ordering and managing regulated  data is fraught with challenges:

  • Complex Tooling: Navigating various systems and portals just to order a single credit report is time-consuming and frustrating
  • Slow Processing: Delays in request processing can significantly slow business operations, creating bottlenecks that affect overall productivity.
  • Outdated Interfaces: Existing platforms lack the modern, intuitive design that users expect, leading to a frustrating and unpleasant experience.
  • High Fees: The costs associated with accessing regulated data can be prohibitively high, especially when dealing with outdated systems that require manual intervention.

These issues create frustration, increase operational costs and categorically reduce  access to regulated data.

Introducing CreditOrder Pro

CreditOrder Pro is our answer to these challenges. Available through the CRS Portal, this new feature allows customers to order credit reports via a streamlined web interface, bringing simplicity and efficiency to the forefront. Here’s what CreditOrder Pro offers:

  • User-Friendly Interface: CreditOrder Pro boasts a modern, intuitive design that makes it easy for users to navigate and complete tasks quickly.
  • Flexible Report Formats: Customers can choose to receive credit reports in either PDF or JSON format, depending on their needs. 
  • Order History Management: Users can view previously ordered reports, making it easier to track and manage data requests.
  • Standardized Formatting: By routing requests through the CRS Standard Format, CreditOrder Pro applies a consistent format across reports. Customers can switch between different bureaus with ease.

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Why CreditOrder Pro is Valuable to Customers

CreditOrder Pro is a gateway to a more efficient and cost-effective way of managing regulated data. Here’s why our customers will love it:

  • All-in-One Management: Everything is managed within the CRS Portal. This centralization simplifies the process,  saves time and reduces user related fees.
  • Enhanced Reporting Capabilities: The modern PDF products supported by CreditOrder Pro offer a sleek, professional look, meeting the high standards of today’s business environments.
  • Future-Proofed Features: Customers can look forward to exciting upcoming features, including an Applicant Directory, Automations, Custom Forms, White Label options, Batch Reporting, and expanded CRM Integrations.


CreditOrder Pro addresses current pain points –complexity, slow processing, and high costs – through  a modern, efficient solution that empowers customers to reliably and scalably operate. . 

CreditOrder Pro is available today! To learn more, please contact your account executive or schedule a meeting! 

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